Dec. 22nd, 2017 My Christmas Prayer

Hey y’all!

It’s been a busy couple of months for me. Lots of great stuff has happened and as I’ve had a few days to switch gears from “writing mode” to “Christmas mode” I’ve been feeling rather reflective – thinking about how God has worked and moved in ways I wasn’t expecting, but how His plans are beautiful and good and how excited I am to get to be part of His Story.

That got me thinking this morning about this blog post and I wanted to share it with you today. Because even though I wrote it seven (7!!!) years ago, it’s still true (except for the part about being pregnant . . . that little boy is now almost seven years old)!!

I pray you have a blessed Christmas and a joyous New Year. Things will really be hopping over here at as we prepare for the release of Beneath the Surface in March. I hope you’ll join me for all the excitement.


From the archives – Originally posted December 24, 2010

I have a confession.

Sometimes I read a book so fast the first time through that as soon as I’m done I need to re-read it.


Because I have the patience of a gnat? Possibly.

Mainly because I am so engrossed in the story, so engaged by the characters, so entranced by the plot . . . that I HAVE to know how it ends. As soon as possible.

I have never read the last page first. That’s cheating.

But speed-reading is perfectly acceptable.

And I can read fast. Very fast.

So I zip through the book, heart racing, chewing off one nail at a time, barely stopping for food, until at last, I reach the end and all my questions have been answered.

Or have they?

Because often in my rush, I miss stuff.

Which is why I have to go back and re-read at a slower pace. I savor each word and examine each plotline and I enjoy the journey.

Because I know how it ends.

I think sometimes I live my life this way. I can’t enjoy the moment because I’m trying to figure out how it’s all going to work out. How it’s going to end.

I can’t relax into motherhood because I’m thinking five, ten, twenty years ahead. I can’t enjoy the writing process because I’m wondering about publication. I can’t enjoy the Season because I have so much to do by Saturday!

All that, combined with my own pregnancy, has had me thinking a lot about Mary.

She knew, far better than we, the consequences of accepting God’s will for her life. When the angel said “You’ll conceive and bear a son” she knew the gossip, the looks, the potential stoning, that would follow.

But beyond that, she didn’t have a clue. She didn’t know she’d watch Him grow and then someday watch Him die.

Her response to the angel?

Be it unto me, according to thy word.

My guess is that this response is the reason Mary was chosen.

And it does make me wonder.

How many things do I miss out on because I don’t respond the same way?

I analyze . . . ok . . . over-analyze. I think . . . ok . . . over-think.

But how often do I accept? Not often enough.

My Christmas prayer this year?

That I can say “Be it unto me, according to Thy word.”

And mean it.



From the archives – Originally posted December 24, 2010


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