Sep. 28th, 2010 Priorities

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My blog has been fairly serious over the past few weeks.

My life has, too.

But I can’t be serious all the time and as my month long revision process winds down, I’ve been thinking of all the things I’ve given up in order to focus so totally on my manuscript.

Here are a few, in no particular order.

Watching TV. I don’t watch a lot of shows, but most of the ones I do watch have been on hiatus for the summer. And all had season premieres in the past week. I did not watch. I sat downstairs and typed away while my husband watched all of them, laughing so hard I could hear him through two closed doors.

(Exception – NCIS. I’m a girl with priorities. Plus, I write romantic suspense. I consider it “research” and watch guilt-free.)

Doing laundry. Not really much of a sacrifice. I’ll pay for it later, but for now . . .

Reading. This one is a sacrifice. I haven’t read any fiction in a month. That might be a record for me. The reason is simple self-preservation. As soon as I pick up Steven James’ The Bishop, I’m toast. It will be a planned “mommy outage” – nothing will get done. Possibly even less than is getting done now. When this revision is over, I’m going to curl up with that book and read it, probably within 48-hours. I’ll then spend the next several weeks jumping at the slightest sound in the middle of the night. But it will be worth it.

Knitting. I love to knit. It’s relaxing. Except for when you drop a stitch and have to spend several hours trying to salvage the week’s worth of work you’ve done. I realize it doesn’t sound all that appealing, but it is. At this point, I’d be happy to knit a dishcloth. But I won’t. I won’t. Not until I’m done.

Eating. Um. No. Not really. Which is a shame.

Tweeting. I haven’t gotten into Twitter yet, but I’ve been convinced I need to give it a go. But not yet.

Sleeping. In the past week, I’ve dreamed that James Scott Bell left a message on my Facebook wall telling me I hadn’t put enough tension in my plot. (No. We’ve never met.) Two nights later, as I struggled to come up with the perfect “climactic” scene, I dreamed one. It was horrible. And off-beat. And as my characters raced away from the scene of the carnage, there was none other than Steven James himself (who I have met), herding two small goats away from the flames. Side note: there are NO goats in my story.

When this is over, I’m thinking about sending my kids to my parents for the weekend. (They don’t know this . . . well, I guess they do now).

I’ll be sleeping late, tweeting in my pajamas, napping, reading The Bishop, watching all the shows stored on my DVR and knitting a dishcloth. Or maybe a baby sweater.

The laundry can wait.

I’m a girl with priorities.


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  1. Jeanne Doyon says:

    I think all of your blogs are humorous, Lynn. Our paths never did cross at BRMCWC but I am sure we will catch up with one another next time. I will be sure to pack my dishcloth knitting project. 🙂


  2. Lynn, how funny! You're an amazing writer with a great sense of humor. Keep up the good work! And I'm so proud of you sticking to it! Yes, it'll be worth the sacrifice one day.

  3. Lynn, you are too funny! Even when you're serious, you're still full of life! I love that about you! On a side note, we shut our satellite TV off (have to save money somewhere…), but I still manage to take my laptop to the local coffee shop once a week, hook up to the WiFi and watch the newest episode of NCIS. Because we girls have priorities… 😉

  4. Charity says:

    "(Exception – NCIS. I’m a girl with priorities. Plus, I write romantic suspense. I consider it “research” and watch guilt-free.)"

    LOL. I love this. Glad to know your priorities are right. Hasn't the new season been fun so far?! 🙂

    Enjoy your "48-hr reading The Bishop on your couch" event. I am sure it will be totally worth it. I'm still working my way towards it. And I recommend a nightlight for that week 😉

    Also…your dream about Steven James and the two small goats? Hilarious! I can't even imagine what that must done to your psyche pre-waking up.

    Enjoy indulging!

  5. Erynn says:

    Everything Charity said. I'm so glad I know you. Let's be writer friends that hang out at all the conferences when we're old ladies with 15 best sellers behind us. We can stay up late and watch NCIS reruns on USA. You know they'll still be airing.
    I hope Steven James reads this and gets a good laugh out of it.

  6. admin says:

    Thanks everyone! My parents really are taking the kids this coming weekend, so I'm planning to read, knit, watch TV, surf the internet and avoid laundry if at all possible! And Erynn, I hope you are right about the 15 bestsellers, but regardless, we'll be hanging out at conferences for sure!