Feb. 15th, 2015
Links I Love
Happy Sunday Out of the Boat readers! Today, I’m starting a new weekend post. Let me know how you like it. 1st up – A writing update (Because about three of you really want to know)! Covert Justice has a cover! Stop back by tomorrow for the big reveal! Book 2 is actually starting to… [ read more ]
Feb. 9th, 2015
Sometimes God Asks You to Skip Bible Study
Sometimes God asks you to skip Bible study. I know. Not really what you’d expect is it? Bible study is good. Fellowship with other believers is good. Showing up when you’ve committed to something is good. All good. But not always best. I will fully admit that when I skipped Bible study, I didn’t expect… [ read more ]
Jan. 15th, 2015
It’s Seekerville Day! My sister Killer Voices and I are being interviewed over at Seekerville . For those of you who might not know, Seekerville is a hugely popular blog written by The Seekers – a group of writers who met several years ago while they were all “seeking” publication. They’ve all achieved their goal, and Seekerville remains a place… [ read more ]
Jan. 8th, 2015
Killer Voices Cover Reveal
As most of you know, I entered a contest last Spring called The Search for a Killer Voice. When it was all over, six authors earned book contracts, myself included. My fellow Killer Voices have been a great source of encouragement and support to me during the revision process, and I’m thrilled to participate in… [ read more ]
Dec. 31st, 2014
Resolved, To Trust Him More
It’s resolution time. Whether we make them or not, we are all thinking about them. Because deep down, we know something is missing. We aren’t who we want to be. We aren’t living the life we want to live. We don’t understand it, this need, this desire, we just know we long for more. But… [ read more ]
Dec. 30th, 2014
How I Prepped for My First Week of Whole30
I just started my 3rd Whole30 . The best part about Whole30, Round 3? Less Anxiety, More Anticipation No kidding. My first Whole30, I was a wreck for at least 2 weeks before we started. Partly because I’m a rule-following people-pleaser who lives in fear of “messing up” or “doing something wrong.” **Yes, I am one… [ read more ]
Dec. 20th, 2014
Running from a Crazy Man
Lori Roeleveld One of my favorite writers anywhere ever is Lori Roeleveld . I’ve had a writer crush on her since 2010, when I heard her share her story in a workshop at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference …and then listened as her name was called several times during the awards ceremony a few days later. I discovered her blog, Deeper With Jesus in Rhode Island ,… [ read more ]
Dec. 13th, 2014
Hungry for God . . . Starving for Time
Lori Hatcher Lori Hatcher is the editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine and she is responsible for my very first print article (and the two articles that followed it). I’ve had the privilege of working with Lori as an editor and it’s a delight to introduce her to you, not as an editor, but as the author of a… [ read more ]
Dec. 10th, 2014
Top 10 Ways to Prep for Whole30
Top 10 Ways to Prep for Whole30. So, you’re thinking about doing a Whole30 in January? Great! Here are my top 10 things you should be doing now – yes, now! – to get ready. (You can read about my health journey and how Whole30 has played a big part in it here ). 1. Learn the… [ read more ]
Dec. 3rd, 2014
I lay on my son’s bed, his little head on his pillow, his little hand clasping my bicep. His fresh from a bath scent filled the air. A more peaceful and idyllic scene you’d be hard pressed to imagine. Except … I was weary. Not sleepy. Weary. I lay there, berating myself for wanting to… [ read more ]