• Nov. 21st, 2014 Whole30 and My Health Journey

    What You Eat on Whole30 Did you catch Dr. Oz on Thursday ? I don’t watch him often, but I set the DVR because of the segment on Whole30 . I’ve done two Whole30s in the past six months and the results have been pretty awesome. So awesome that I’ve started getting a lot of questions about my health journey. I’ve hit the [ read more ]

  • Nov. 6th, 2014 Six Things To Do BEFORE You Sign Your First Book Contract

    Today’s post is for the writer’s out there… You’ve been writing for a while now.  You’ve got a book or two written. You’ve entered a few contests, pitched to a few agents, even attended a few conferences.  You’ve been doing this writing thing long enough to know you want to keep doing it. You know [ read more ]

  • Nov. 4th, 2014 Coming In Last

    Coming in last. I hate it. Really hate it. Maybe you do, too? Have you ever thought about why you hate it? I have and I’ve boiled it down to a simple statement. I’m afraid. Ick. It’s safer to say that we hate to come in last. It doesn’t sound quite as pitiful as admitting [ read more ]

  • Oct. 23rd, 2014 Run to Him

    Hello! Hellooo! Anyone still here?! Please forgive my lengthy blog absence. Re-writing half of my book turned into a very lengthy process and there just haven’t been enough hours in the day. But the revisions were accepted and the book is headed out to a copy editor in the next week or so. For the [ read more ]

  • Sep. 15th, 2014 The Title Is…

    Hi there! I’m taking a quick break from my revisions to share some exciting news. My book has a title and an official release date! Covert Justice  available June 2015 When undercover FBI Agent Heidi Zimmerman enlists  Blake Harrison’s help to bring a ruthless crime family to justice,  she’s prepared to lose her life,  not her [ read more ]

  • Jul. 31st, 2014 Rite of Passage

    The rising 3rd-5th grade kids in our church left for camp today. Look Up Lodge is a rite of passage and my Facebook feed is full of pictures of happy campers. I’m excited for all of them. I truly am. But a little part of me is crying. The little part that every now and [ read more ]

  • Jul. 29th, 2014 The Call

    In my last post, I mentioned that the jury was still out on my 2nd novel. Well, it isn’t any more! To bring you all up to speed… Earlier this year I entered a contest. The Search for the Next Killer Voice was a four stage contest held by the editors of Love Inspired Suspense. [ read more ]

  • Jul. 22nd, 2014 Time to Start Over

    My son loves playing games on my phone. He has one that he’s been playing for a while now. He’s completed so many levels that he has begged me not to let his little brother play, for fear that he’ll mess things up.  So I was surprised yesterday when he asked me to download the [ read more ]

  • Jul. 14th, 2014 I Blame the Kale

    I blame the kale. All pre-chopped and bagged. It’s why I took the kids into the store in the first place. Have you ever been to Trader Joe’s ? It’s—interesting. The layout is odd, it’s significantly smaller than I thought it would be, and the shopping carts are tiny. On this morning, I plopped my three-year-old into [ read more ]

  • Jun. 9th, 2014 Beneath A Navajo Moon by Lisa Carter

    Hi Everyone!! I’ve missed you! I’ve been writing non-stop, but none of it has been for the blog. I entered a contest and to my utter shock, I made it into the final round. Last night at 9:30 p.m., I hit “send” and a full manuscript is now in an editor’s hands. I may be [ read more ]