Feb. 7th, 2013
Rumors of Water
It’s the first Thursday of February, so I’m over at The Write Conversation today, talking about Rumors of Water by L.L. Barkat . Come join the conversation!
Feb. 5th, 2013
Enough of Me
There is not enough of me today. Today begins in the deep dark When muscles lay heavy and frozen in the middle of a dream Driven away by the call of “Mommy” and unrecoverable, Even after the little one sleeps again in dry pajamas. The day looms long as I lay back on my… [ read more ]
Jan. 29th, 2013
The Romans Project
Last week, I shared the Eat this Book program with you . After a full week, I have to say this is the easiest “read the Bible in a year” program I’ve ever tried. (And yes, I’ve tried to do this before. Pretty sure I’ve never made it past February). Our pastor recommended that we make an effort to read at the same time… [ read more ]
Jan. 26th, 2013
Currents:: January 26
Books: Loved Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer. You should read it! Writing: The two main characters in my WIP are named Heidi and Blake and they are really hitting it off. I’m having a little trouble not jumping ahead to the kissing… Scripture: I am loving our Eat this Book program. It’s great to literally be “on the same page”… [ read more ]
Jan. 22nd, 2013
Eat this Book
Now that I’m well on the road to recovery from my ridiculous thumb injury, it’s time to start talking about my One Word for 2013 – Margin. One of the things I love about this word is that it has several different meanings. Which one do you think of first? I tend to think of… [ read more ]
Jan. 10th, 2013
Vanished by Irene Hannon
One of the things Irene Hannon does so well is to give us a peek into the world of different types of law enforcement. In her new “Private Justice” series, she’s taken us into the world of private investigators. As it turns out, they aren’t all 100 pounds overweight, kicked back behind a massive desk, and puffing on… [ read more ]
Jan. 8th, 2013
Living on the Edge of a Knife
Today’s post was going to be all about margin. It still is…sort of. When I chose my One Word for 2013 , Margin seemed like the obvious choice. ( You can read about how Margin applies to my writing life over at The Write Conversation ). I knew my life needed more margin. More space to be creative, more space to be spontaneous, more space to serve, more space to just be. I also knew… [ read more ]
Jan. 3rd, 2013
My One Word
Happy 2013 everybody! I hope your Christmas was extra merry and your New Year is off to a great start! I’ll be talking about my One Word for 2013 over the next few weeks, but since today is the first Thursday of the month, I’m over at The Write Conversation and I’m focused on how my One Word applies to… [ read more ]
Dec. 18th, 2012
When Others Have the Words
I sent my daughter to school on Monday with the sure knowledge that, should unspeakable evil threaten, the teachers and staff at her school would do everything humanly possible to protect her. And more importantly, that my Abba remains sovereign over all. But that doesn’t mean I’ve got a handle on this. I’m no theologian.… [ read more ]
Dec. 13th, 2012
Bigger Than Our Whole World
As I’ve been mulling over the idea of how big God is and the miracle it is that He became flesh, I’ve also been thinking about how often God does things in ways that are both unexpected and incomprehensible. I’m wondering how often I don’t see God’s hand because what’s happening doesn’t make sense to me. I’m… [ read more ]