Jul. 5th, 2012
A Milestone, A Question, and A Review
Can you believe it’s July? How did that happen?! I hope you are in the midst of a fun and fabulous summer. Here at Out of the Boat, I’m scaling back a little for July. I’ll be posting once a week this month so I can spend some time focusing on my fiction writing (yeah, I’m… [ read more ]
Jun. 28th, 2012
Do you Cut & Paste your prayers? Maybe you should…
If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you may have read previous posts where I’ve talked about some of my favorite books on prayer ( A Praying Life and Praying God’s Word for Your Husband ). You also may have picked up on my love of the Psalms . So you can imagine how delighted I was when a recent challenge from 40 Ways to Grow Closer to God involved praying a Psalm. I love the idea of… [ read more ]
Jun. 25th, 2012
When It’s OK to Play God
I have a PhD in faking it. I can’t blame it on my upbringing, although being raised in the fishbowl of the Pastor’s family did help me hone my skills. No. I think it’s more my nature. Regardless of the drama unfolding in my life, when it’s time to go to church, I paste on… [ read more ]
Jun. 22nd, 2012
Book Review::Praying God’s Word for your Husband by Kathi Lipp
I have a few pet peeves. Well, probably more than a few. And if I tried to list them, there is one that would make the top five. Maybe the top three. Man bashing. I’m not talking about good natured teasing. I’m talking about the tendency for women to gather for lunch or an evening out… [ read more ]
Jun. 18th, 2012
A Playlist for the Broken
So many things are messed up. So many people I love are hurting. So many friends are broken. And while I’m a lifetime member of the “I can fix this” club, there are some things I cannot fix. Some hurts I cannot heal. Some wrongs I cannot right. Some hearts wearing scars I cannot fade.… [ read more ]
Jun. 14th, 2012
Summer Reading
I was the kind of kid who loved school. Loved it! I didn’t want to see it end and couldn’t wait for it to start again. But, summer had one huge thing going for it. Virtually unlimited reading time! And a steady supply of books thanks to a mom who took me to the library… [ read more ]
Jun. 11th, 2012
Why You Should NOT Take A Break This Summer
A few weeks ago, I asked what you were planning to do to grow closer to God this summer. Remember? (If not, click here! ) I know that many of us participate in Bible studies during the school year, but we usually take the summer off. Which makes perfect sense. It’s hard to schedule group sessions around vacations… [ read more ]
Jun. 7th, 2012
Pros and Cons of Attending the Same Writers Conference
Me and my dear friend Edie Melson at her book launch last fall! It’s the first Thursday of June so I’m over at Edie Melson’s place, The Write Conversation . I’m sharing my thoughts on the pros and cons of returning to a writers conference you’ve already attended. Come over and say Hi!
Jun. 4th, 2012
Blessed to Call Him Mine
Sometimes, when a follower of Christ answers the call to come out of the boat and walk a new path, the people they’ve been doing life with are more hindrance than help. Instead of cheering, they chide. Instead of rooting, they rebuke. Instead of praying, they pout. And far too often, the resistance comes from… [ read more ]
May. 24th, 2012
Web Wisdom
I’m still soaking up the writerly vibes of the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference . And oh ya’ll, it’s been awesome! But we’re still focused on motherhood this month, so I wanted to share a couple of my favorite places on the web. Places that help me be a better mom. These aren’t websites that will tell you how to make… [ read more ]