Dec. 22nd, 2011
Joy – What Christmas is All About
Merry Christmas!
Dec. 19th, 2011
Joy – In Suffering
It’s something we struggle with—this whole concept of suffering. We have an ingrained worldview that suggests suffering is only “fair” if it’s deserved. When we know our desire is to serve God and we are still clobbered by life, we wrestle with “why me” and “this isn’t fair” thoughts. These are the time when I… [ read more ]
Dec. 15th, 2011
Joy – Bigger than our whole world
As I’ve been mulling over the idea of how big God is and the miracle it is that He became flesh, I’ve also been thinking about how often God does things in ways that are both unexpected and incomprehensible. I’m wondering how often I don’t see God’s hand because what’s happening doesn’t make sense to me. I’m… [ read more ]
Dec. 12th, 2011
Unlimited Joy
As my daughter opened birthday gifts several months ago, a sheet of paper fluttered on the edge of my sight. All I registered was that there were at least twelve steps and for a fleeting moment, I questioned my sister’s sanity. What was she thinking? Why would she give Emma a gift that would be… [ read more ]
Dec. 8th, 2011
Joy – In the Moment
I’m a wife, mother, and writer. I’m a daughter, sister, and friend. I’m a reader, knitter, and scrapbooker. I’m a cook, maid, and seamstress. I’m an engineer, manager, and bookkeeper. With all that stuff going on, you’d think I’d be fulfilled. Nope. Not even close. More often than not, I feel anxious. Desperate. Inadequate. My… [ read more ]
Dec. 5th, 2011
Rediscover Joy
I used to love this time of year. Before I grew up. Before I discovered that buying Christmas presents on a budget is hard work. Before I longed to be in two places at once. Before I spent hours cleaning, preparing, shopping, wrapping. Before I realized that all those decorations would have to be taken… [ read more ]
Nov. 29th, 2011
Guest Blogs and Giveaways!
So, it’s Tuesday. Not Monday. I could tell you that I planned it this way and just skip over the fact that I enjoyed, spent, wasted most of the day yesterday as I searched through box after box for the missing Wii games. (Which were eventually found right where I left them eight months ago.… [ read more ]
Nov. 24th, 2011
This is a test . . . this is only a test . . . but does God grade on the curve?
I was a straight-A student in high school. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I enjoyed tests, but I was good at them. They were a source of pride. Proof that I had learned the material. And then I went to college. The first year or so went smoothly. But then my engineering professors… [ read more ]
Nov. 21st, 2011
Thankfulness in the middle of a no good, very bad day
We spent all of October focused on renewing our minds . Then we’ve spent the past several weeks considering thankfulness. Have you noticed how crucial a thankful heart is to renewing your mind? I have. I’m living it. Right now. I’m having the kind of day that has, on occasion, turned me into a grouchy, short-tempered mama. And… [ read more ]
Nov. 17th, 2011
Book Review: Rooms by James L. Rubart
One of the things I am most thankful for is that my husband is a reader. I come from a family of readers and I’m not sure what I would do if I couldn’t share my love of books with him. I’m always on the hunt for authors Brian will enjoy, but he reads with… [ read more ]