Oct. 15th, 2011
31 Days :: Day 15 ~ Blessings?
I’ve always loved music. One of my favorite ways to worship is to be completely alone (which these days, is beyond rare), sit down at the piano, and play hymns while I warble out some dreadful alto and let the ancient words echo to the heavens in adoration. But since I’ve started writing, I have… [ read more ]
Oct. 14th, 2011
31 Days :: Day 14 ~ Even when the truth hurts?
Do not be anxious about anything . . . whatever is true . . . think on these things. (Philippians 4:6 and 8) According to the Internet (and let’s not even get started as to whether or not the Internet can be considered true) there are many studies that have revealed that approximately 90% of… [ read more ]
Oct. 13th, 2011
31 Days :: Day 13 ~ How do we know what’s true?
Whatever is true . . . think on these things. Phil. 4:8 (ESV) Yesterday, we asked this question . . . How do we know what’s true? Well, if God is true (John 3:33) then He is our ultimate standard for truth. And the only way we can know what is true is to know… [ read more ]
Oct. 12th, 2011
31 Days :: Day 12 ~ What is true?
Whatever is true . . . think about these things. (Phil 4:8 ESV) What is true? The dictionary defines true as “Truth, Reality. The quality or state of being accurate.” The Greek word used here is “alethes” and it means “true, loving the truth, speaking the truth, truthful.” From what I could gather, the word “alethes”… [ read more ]
Oct. 11th, 2011
31 Days :: Day 11 ~ You mean I have to think for myself?
If you’ve been following along in our series , you may have been wondering when I was going to get to Philippians 4:8. And the answer is . . . today! Philippians 4:8 ~ Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there… [ read more ]
Oct. 10th, 2011
31 Days :: Day 10 ~ So what’s in it for me?
We are ten days into our 31 Days of Renewing . We’ve laid a lot of groundwork and it’s time to start digging into the specifics. But I wonder if maybe…well…not that you’d ever say it out loud. But do you ever wonder why bother? Ever wonder what’s in it for me? Or maybe you’re worried that your renewed… [ read more ]
Oct. 9th, 2011
Day 9 ~ Where is your mind set?
Colossians 3:2 ~ Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. (ESV) Several years ago, my husband and I attended a Weekend to Remember marriage conference. Have you ever been to one? They are excellent and I highly recommend them! I used to think marriage conferences were for people whose marriages… [ read more ]
Oct. 8th, 2011
Day 8 ~ You want me to do more?
Can you believe we are on Day 8? If you’ve missed any of the previous posts, you can find a list of all of them here . Today’s post wasn’t in my original plan. I intended to dive into some of the many Scriptures that talk about our minds and what we should think about. But… [ read more ]
Oct. 7th, 2011
Day 7 ~ Why am I here?
Over the past couple of days, we’ve been focusing on the things we forget to remember. On Day 5 we remembered who we were. Day 6 was hard for me. Was it for you? Did you watch the video? Because as hard as it is, it’s crucial that we remember that our Jesus died for us – a brutal, gory death.… [ read more ]
Oct. 6th, 2011
Day 6 ~ At what cost?
It’s so easy to forget. But so important to remember . . . Who saved me . . . and at what cost. Jesus – the Word made flesh – left the heavens and became man. He died a horrible death. And He did it for me. There is no such thing as cheap grace.… [ read more ]