Aug. 4th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ MoGo7000
image courtesy of photobucket.com I recently lost my fiction mojo. It wasn’t pretty. Read about how I got it back over at The Write Conversation .
Aug. 1st, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Retail Therapy
Image via Wikipedia I love my children. I do. But some days, by the time Brian gets home, I need to get out. And by out, I mean out of the house, by myself. Brian learned this long ago, when Emma was still a baby. Sometimes the best thing he can say to me is “Go”.… [ read more ]
Jul. 28th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: Under A Desert Sky
Some of the first “grown up” books I can remember reading were in the historical fiction genre. “Prairie romances” I think they’re called now. These days, I still love reading books set in a different time, where the plot and characterizations are influenced by the mores of the day and both time and place are… [ read more ]
Jul. 25th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ There’s a Psalm for That
You’ve seen the commercials. Need to find a restaurant that serves sushi at 3AM? There’s an app for that. Need to find a store that sells minnows and hair gel? There’s an app for that. Need to know where the cheapest gas, tastiest fajitas or creepiest movies are? There’s an app for that, too. With… [ read more ]
Jul. 21st, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: Call of a Coward
I love to read fiction. I love to be transported to places I’ve never been and experience thrills that set my heart racing—as I sit snug on the sofa in my pajamas, sipping coffee and eating some form of chocolate. I also enjoy non-fiction. My spirit responds to challenging words that inspire me to experience… [ read more ]
Jul. 18th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ What’s Better than Coffee?
Image via Wikipedia Psalm 54:4 ~ Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. (ESV) Until recently, I was a social coffee drinker. I love a good mocha with friends or a frappucino on a hot day. But all that changed a few months ago. Concurrent with the birth of my… [ read more ]
Jul. 14th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Blog Tour: Social Media Marketing for Writers by Edie Melson
I’m thrilled to kick off the blog tour for Social Media Marketing for Writers . Edie Melson is one of my favorite people. She has taken me under her wing and carved time out of her schedule to mentor me as I navigate the winding path to publication. Here are a few things you should know about Edie: 1. She is the… [ read more ]
Jul. 11th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Basement Blessings
Matthew 6:8b-For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. (ESV) Summertime in South Carolina means afternoons so hot you start sweating before you get one flip-flop out the door. And this summer, it’s meant frequent thunderstorms so powerful they hurl hail and break branches all over the neighborhood. Summertime is supposed to… [ read more ]
Jul. 7th, 2011
Book Review: Writing Fiction For All You’re Worth
I read a lot of books on writing. I have to. I blog about them once a month, over at The Write Conversation . And so far, I’ve learned something valuable from each book I’ve read. However, I can’t say they’ve all been page-turners. Useful? Absolutely. Pleasurable reading? Not always. Let’s face it. Some books on the craft of… [ read more ]
Jun. 30th, 2011
You’re Telling me My Calling Didn’t Come with a Cleaning Service?
So many things get in the way. I want to write. I need to clean. I want to edit. I need to cook. I want to study the craft. I need to fold the clothes. Sometimes all these distractions—these obligations—frustrate me because while I’m not sure how it’s all going to play out, I am… [ read more ]