• Jan. 14th, 2011 Book Review – The Brotherhood

    I received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of The Brotherhood by Jerry B. Jenkins several weeks ago. I’ve never snagged an ARC before and I was thrilled to get this one. The only requirement? Review the book. The problem? Who am I to review Jerry B. Jenkins? I mean, honestly. He’s written more than 175 books and [ read more ]

  • Jan. 6th, 2011 Review – The Five Love Languages

    I’m guest blogging today over at The Write Conversation . Please visit me there! As a side note, I took the assessment at the back of the book to determine what my love language is. Turns out I’m even weirder than originally anticipated. Most people have 1. Some people have 2. In true over-achieving form . . . [ read more ]

  • Dec. 24th, 2010 My Christmas Prayer

    I have a confession. Sometimes, I read a book so fast the first time through, that as soon as I’m done, I need to re-read it. Why? Because I have the patience of a gnat? Possibly. Mainly because I am so engrossed in the story, so engaged by the characters, so entranced by the plot [ read more ]

  • Dec. 13th, 2010 The Best Story Ever

    My son is two and he loves to help me around the house. But the reality is that when James helps—whether it’s with the dishes or the laundry or the vacuuming—it takes me at least twice as long and often creates more of a mess than we started with. So, why do I do it? [ read more ]

  • Dec. 8th, 2010 Writing Will Mess with your Dreams

    I’ve had some of the most vivid and disturbing dreams of my life in the past few months. And I know what the problem is. I take a shower before I go to bed. Did I lose you? Maybe I should explain. I get some of my best ideas in the shower. I’m trying to [ read more ]

  • Dec. 5th, 2010 Book Review: The Master’s Wall

    I love historical fiction. I particularly love historicals set during and shortly after the time of Christ, when the church was young and the oppression of the Roman empire intense. The Master’s Wall by Sandi Rog takes a unique approach to the genre. The main characters are children as the book opens, and we experience the tragedies that [ read more ]

  • Dec. 2nd, 2010 An Interview with My Internal Editor

    As you may know, my internal editor and I got quite chummy a few months ago as I edited every single word of my first manuscript. However, during NaNo . . . well, I had to tell her to hush. Quite a bit. I was feeling guilty, so I tried to have a little chat [ read more ]

  • Nov. 28th, 2010 NaNoWriMo 2010 – We have a Winner!

    A few of you have asked what it means to be a “winner” – well, for NaNoWriMo , all it means is you finished 50,000 words in 30 days. There’s no judging. No prizes. No limit on the number of winners. But it’s still nice to win! I finished my 50K on Sunday the 28th with two [ read more ]

  • Nov. 11th, 2010 Paper, Diets and Other NaNoWriMo Hazards

    I have a paper cut. It’s on the tip of my right index finger. Every time I type, pain shoots through my fingertip and hand. I press on because I’m tough. But it made me think of things we should avoid during NaNoWriMo . I’m not talking about the usual stuff writers give up—sleep, TV, video [ read more ]

  • Nov. 4th, 2010 Have I Lost My Mind?

    Have you lost your mind? These were the exact words my sister uttered when I announced my plans to participate in this year’s NaNoWriMo . She pointed out that I was busy. She pointed out that I don’t have time to do this. She pointed out that my decision making skills might be questionable. And then [ read more ]