Nov. 1st, 2010
She Can Be Taught . . . Maybe
If you follow this blog regularly, then you know that September was a roller coaster for me. Lots of writing and editing, interspersed with ridiculous amounts of drama. But, I’m learning. Maybe. November is National Novel Writing Month. And the goal of NaNoWriMo is to encourage authors to finally write that novel. The goal? 50,000 words… [ read more ]
Oct. 26th, 2010
I Want More
There are a couple of things I really want. I’m not talking about the way I really want a mocha, or a slice of pizza, or to weigh less. Although, let’s face it, the mocha and pizza aren’t helping the weight issue at all. Neither is my Oreo addiction. But I digress. I’m talking about… [ read more ]
Oct. 12th, 2010
Directionally Challenged
I like detailed directions. Extremely detailed. If you ever need directions to my house, I don’t just say turn left on this street and right on that one. Oh no. I include important information such as “Approximately 8/10 of a mile after you turn left you’ll come to a curve that makes you feel like… [ read more ]
Oct. 7th, 2010
Plot & Structure
I’m guest blogging today over at The Write Conversation . Come pay me a visit and read my thoughts on Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell (yes, the same one I dreamed left me a Facebook comment last week ).
Oct. 1st, 2010
image courtesy of photobucket.com Several weeks ago, when everything seemed to be falling apart, I was sitting at my desk praying. And I felt strongly that I needed to read Psalm 119. I can’t say that kind of thing happens to me all the time. But it did this time. Psalm 119, for those who… [ read more ]
Sep. 28th, 2010
image courtesy of photobucket.com My blog has been fairly serious over the past few weeks. My life has, too. But I can’t be serious all the time and as my month long revision process winds down, I’ve been thinking of all the things I’ve given up in order to focus so totally on my manuscript.… [ read more ]
Sep. 21st, 2010
Lesson Lived
image courtesy of photobucket.com Several months ago, I wrote a piece about the importance of being prepared to put into practice whatever you blog about. Probably within twenty-four hours of your post. It happened again. I think I might be afraid of my own blog. If you didn’t read last Friday’s post , you’ll need to or this won’t make… [ read more ]
Sep. 17th, 2010
The Best Laid Plans
image courtesy of photobucket.com Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. (ESV) In Mid-August, as the school year got under way and life started to take on something that bore a resemblance to a routine, my little brain… [ read more ]
Sep. 9th, 2010
Why am I doing this?
I’m currently in the midst of an intense revision of my manuscript. It is NOT fun. I have to force myself to do it. I keep finding excuses to do everything else. Maybe I should whip up a blog post? Great! Clean the bathrooms? Absolutely! (Um, not really, but sometimes the idea is appealing). Revise?… [ read more ]
Sep. 5th, 2010
Change? Me?
image courtesy of photobucket.com I. Hate. Change. Some weirdos people thrive on change. I, however, am perfectly normal. You can stop laughing. OK. Now that you’ve got control of yourself, I’ll give you an example. I recently changed from an mp3 player to an iTouch. This is a fabulous change. But I’m still not used… [ read more ]