• Sep. 2nd, 2010 A Different Kind of Book Review

    Miraculously enough, Edie continues to allow me to guest blog on her fabulous site. So come visit me over at The Write Conversation  for my review of The Power of Body Language.

  • Aug. 30th, 2010 Demon: A Memoir

    Did the title of this post get your attention? ‘Cause it sure got mine! So, what on earth would make me pick up a book entitled Demon: A Memoir? I have serious issues with all things horror. In particular, horror that in anyway involves the satanic realm. But this book was the She Reads bookclub recommendation for [ read more ]

  • Aug. 27th, 2010 What a Difference a Year Can Make

    image courtesy of photobucket.com I don’t know the exact date. I didn’t mark it on my calendar. I probably should have. It was a pretty big deal. Oh. Who am I kidding? It was huge. To me anyway. A year ago this week, I sat down at my computer and emailed my sister the first [ read more ]

  • Aug. 25th, 2010 Devotion

    I’ve been writing a few devotions for my parent’s church website. This is the first one that hasn’t already appeared on this blog. So, please hop over to Grace Community Fellowship and check it out! image courtesy of photobucket.com

  • Aug. 10th, 2010 The View from the Backseat

    image courtesy of photobucket.com We recently spent quite a bit of time on the road and my husband, being a wise and loving mate, knew that the best place for me was in the far back seat of the van. Horizontal. Asleep. He claimed this was all in my best interest, but I suspect it [ read more ]

  • Aug. 5th, 2010 Book Review

    My friend, Edie Melson Edie Melson is a gifted author, co-founder of The Christian Writer’s Den , and a faculty member of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference . Her resume is impressive but the reason I love her is because she is one of the first people who made me feel like a “real” writer. Now, for those of you who read this blog regularly, or just want a laugh, scroll back [ read more ]

  • Jul. 28th, 2010 A Good Word

    image courtesy of photobucket.com Proverbs 12:25 – Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. (ESV) I have an acquaintance who never fails to compliment me on some aspect of my attire.  Now, this might be a normal occurrence for many of you, but as I have never [ read more ]

  • Jul. 20th, 2010 Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy?

    image courtesy of photobucket.com I’m a wimp. A cream puff. A marshmallow. I’m so not cut out to be a writer. I’m anaphylactically allergic to criticism. And this doesn’t apply only to my writing life. This is just who I am. I have the type of personality that always wants to be right. Not in [ read more ]

  • Jul. 14th, 2010 Memorization

    image courtesy of photobucket.com I can’t remember not knowing Bible verses. Lots of them. It should be noted that my mother claims I could quote John 3:16 at eighteen months. As the mother of a twenty-two month old who can barely say please and thank-you, I find her assertion difficult to believe. (Every mother believes her [ read more ]

  • Jul. 13th, 2010 Embrace your Geekness

    image courtesy of photobucket.com Today is “Embrace Your Geekness” day. I am not making this up! The definition of geek is difficult to pin down. But I think we tend to apply the term “geek” to anyone/anything that is different from the norm. I like to think of my geekness as endearingly quirky. I recognize that this is [ read more ]