Jul. 6th, 2010
The Favorite
image courtesy of photobucket.com A few weeks ago, I woke up in a bad mood. While on vacation. With the entire family. I needed an attitude adjustment. Fast. So I took my grouchy self to the balcony of our condo and sat there with my Bible in my lap and stared out at the ocean.… [ read more ]
Jun. 30th, 2010
Living Into God’s Story – Part 4
***Please know that I am not claiming any of this as an original idea of mine. Like I said previously, our pastors spent weeks fleshing out the concept of Living into God’s Story and if this idea intrigues you, I would encourage you to listen to the sermons . My blog posts are simply my way of sharing what… [ read more ]
Jun. 25th, 2010
Living Into God’s Story – Part 3
image courtesy of photobucket.com Knowledge is a funny thing. For example, when we head out to the local ballpark and grab a hotdog and a coke, we don’t really want to know how that hotdog was made. We know that some people who do know have chosen never to eat these things again. But as long… [ read more ]
Jun. 22nd, 2010
Living Into God’s Story – Part 2
Story trumps all. At least, it does for me. I come from a long line of readers. My Pa loved Zane Grey. My Granny – well, Granny’s den could pass for a Christian bookstore. She reads all the time. My parents and sister are avid readers. Reading is in my blood. My mother claims that even… [ read more ]
Jun. 18th, 2010
Living Into God’s Story – Part 1
I come from a long line of storytellers. My great-grandfather on my dad’s side of the family, Pa Everett (shown here with my great-grandmother, my Pa, my dad, and a very small me) knew how to tell a story. I have no idea how much formal education he had. He was a stonemason and a good one. But he… [ read more ]
Jun. 9th, 2010
Grace Not Yet Discovered
Twenty years ago today, I turned 16. I remember the day clearly for several reasons. My family threw me a surprise party and . . . I caught my hair on fire when I blew out the candles! Really. What can I say? It was 1990. I used a lot of hairspray. I’ve been thinking… [ read more ]
May. 25th, 2010
Further Proof that I am Weird
image courtesy of photobucket.com Are you laughing? Thinking – “yeah, like we needed more proof”? Well, it’s true. I am weird. I accept this about myself. But every now and then, something happens to confirm my weirdness. I understand some of it better than I did before. While at Blue Ridge, the amazing Vonda Skelton shared with… [ read more ]
May. 21st, 2010
Blue Ridge Friday
Don’t worry. I’m not confused. I know the conference ended Thursday. Technically. But I think it may take a few weeks to get back to normal. My husband and children were so glad to have me home. They had flowers and a plan for supper that did not include cooking! I so appreciate their –… [ read more ]
May. 19th, 2010
Blue Ridge Wednesday
What a day. Even as I type this, I’m not sure if I can adequately describe it. I’ve been a little frustrated with myself this week. I’m having a great time, meeting people, learning tons, networking, discovering that while I am every bit as weird as I had suspected, so are a lot of other… [ read more ]
May. 19th, 2010
Blue Ridge Tuesday
Random things I am loving about my conference experience. My room has no TV. So far I’ve eaten meals with Steven James , Angela Hunt , Deb Raney , Vonda Skelton , and Karen Schurrer (an editor). My room has a radio that came equipped to play music from my mp3 player. The coffee shop here serves Starbucks. The vending machine on my floor takes credit… [ read more ]