Dec. 20th, 2014
Running from a Crazy Man
Lori Roeleveld One of my favorite writers anywhere ever is Lori Roeleveld . I’ve had a writer crush on her since 2010, when I heard her share her story in a workshop at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference …and then listened as her name was called several times during the awards ceremony a few days later. I discovered her blog, Deeper With Jesus in Rhode Island ,… [ read more ]
Dec. 13th, 2014
Hungry for God . . . Starving for Time
Lori Hatcher Lori Hatcher is the editor of Reach Out, Columbia magazine and she is responsible for my very first print article (and the two articles that followed it). I’ve had the privilege of working with Lori as an editor and it’s a delight to introduce her to you, not as an editor, but as the author of a… [ read more ]
Dec. 10th, 2014
Top 10 Ways to Prep for Whole30
Top 10 Ways to Prep for Whole30. So, you’re thinking about doing a Whole30 in January? Great! Here are my top 10 things you should be doing now – yes, now! – to get ready. (You can read about my health journey and how Whole30 has played a big part in it here ). 1. Learn the… [ read more ]
Dec. 3rd, 2014
I lay on my son’s bed, his little head on his pillow, his little hand clasping my bicep. His fresh from a bath scent filled the air. A more peaceful and idyllic scene you’d be hard pressed to imagine. Except … I was weary. Not sleepy. Weary. I lay there, berating myself for wanting to… [ read more ]
Nov. 21st, 2014
Whole30 and My Health Journey
What You Eat on Whole30 Did you catch Dr. Oz on Thursday ? I don’t watch him often, but I set the DVR because of the segment on Whole30 . I’ve done two Whole30s in the past six months and the results have been pretty awesome. So awesome that I’ve started getting a lot of questions about my health journey. I’ve hit the… [ read more ]
Nov. 6th, 2014
Six Things To Do BEFORE You Sign Your First Book Contract
Today’s post is for the writer’s out there… You’ve been writing for a while now. You’ve got a book or two written. You’ve entered a few contests, pitched to a few agents, even attended a few conferences. You’ve been doing this writing thing long enough to know you want to keep doing it. You know… [ read more ]
Nov. 4th, 2014
Coming In Last
Coming in last. I hate it. Really hate it. Maybe you do, too? Have you ever thought about why you hate it? I have and I’ve boiled it down to a simple statement. I’m afraid. Ick. It’s safer to say that we hate to come in last. It doesn’t sound quite as pitiful as admitting… [ read more ]
Oct. 23rd, 2014
Run to Him
Hello! Hellooo! Anyone still here?! Please forgive my lengthy blog absence. Re-writing half of my book turned into a very lengthy process and there just haven’t been enough hours in the day. But the revisions were accepted and the book is headed out to a copy editor in the next week or so. For the… [ read more ]
Sep. 15th, 2014
The Title Is…
Hi there! I’m taking a quick break from my revisions to share some exciting news. My book has a title and an official release date! Covert Justice available June 2015 When undercover FBI Agent Heidi Zimmerman enlists Blake Harrison’s help to bring a ruthless crime family to justice, she’s prepared to lose her life, not her… [ read more ]
Jul. 31st, 2014
Rite of Passage
The rising 3rd-5th grade kids in our church left for camp today. Look Up Lodge is a rite of passage and my Facebook feed is full of pictures of happy campers. I’m excited for all of them. I truly am. But a little part of me is crying. The little part that every now and… [ read more ]