• Jul. 31st, 2012 Real Life Out of the Boat Stories: An Interview with Marcia Moston

    We spent last week talking about what it means to me to be Out of the Boat. (If you missed it, you can read about it here ). Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to someone who got out of the boat, or in her case, out of the country, and followed the call of God to a remote [ read more ]

  • Jul. 26th, 2012 Still Out of the Boat (Part 2)

    As I mentioned on Monday , this week I’m taking some time to answer a frequently asked question. Why did you name the blog Out of the Boat? I’m going to answer by revisiting a couple of blog posts that were written in April of 2010 when this blog was just a baby, and when I [ read more ]

  • Jul. 23rd, 2012 Still Out of the Boat (Part 1)

    In honor of my 200th blog post, I’ve been fiddling with the blog. If you’re reading this in a reader or on a mobile device you may not see anything different, but I’m trying to spruce things up around here. I’m also in the process of renewing my focus for Out of the Boat and revamping [ read more ]

  • Jul. 13th, 2012 We Have a Serious Problem

    “You have the tickets, right?” Yeah. Those are not the words you want to hear twenty minutes before the final performance of The Lion King . But there we were, four people standing across the street from the Peace Center . Four people. Two tickets. I tried not to panic as I race-walked to the ticket booth, prepared to beg [ read more ]

  • Jul. 5th, 2012 A Milestone, A Question, and A Review

    Can you believe it’s July? How did that happen?! I hope you are in the midst of a fun and fabulous summer. Here at Out of the Boat, I’m scaling back a little for July. I’ll be posting once a week this month so I can spend some time focusing on my fiction writing (yeah, I’m [ read more ]

  • Jun. 28th, 2012 Do you Cut & Paste your prayers? Maybe you should…

    If you’ve followed this blog for very long, you may have read previous posts where I’ve talked about some of my favorite books on prayer ( A Praying Life and Praying God’s Word for Your Husband ). You also may have picked up on my love of the Psalms . So you can imagine how delighted I was when a recent challenge from 40 Ways to Grow Closer to God involved praying a Psalm. I love the idea of [ read more ]

  • Jun. 25th, 2012 When It’s OK to Play God

    I have a PhD in faking it. I can’t blame it on my upbringing, although being raised in the fishbowl of the Pastor’s family did help me hone my skills. No. I think it’s more my nature. Regardless of the drama unfolding in my life, when it’s time to go to church, I paste on [ read more ]

  • Jun. 22nd, 2012 Book Review::Praying God’s Word for your Husband by Kathi Lipp

    I have a few pet peeves. Well, probably more than a few. And if I tried to list them, there is one that would make the top five. Maybe the top three. Man bashing. I’m not talking about good natured teasing. I’m talking about the tendency for women to gather for lunch or an evening out [ read more ]

  • Jun. 18th, 2012 A Playlist for the Broken

    So many things are messed up. So many people I love are hurting. So many friends are broken. And while I’m a lifetime member of the “I can fix this” club, there are some things I cannot fix. Some hurts I cannot heal. Some wrongs I cannot right. Some hearts wearing scars I cannot fade. [ read more ]

  • Jun. 14th, 2012 Summer Reading

    I was the kind of kid who loved school. Loved it! I didn’t want to see it end and couldn’t wait for it to start again. But, summer had one huge thing going for it. Virtually unlimited reading time! And a steady supply of books thanks to a mom who took me to the library [ read more ]