Jun. 11th, 2012
Why You Should NOT Take A Break This Summer
A few weeks ago, I asked what you were planning to do to grow closer to God this summer. Remember? (If not, click here! ) I know that many of us participate in Bible studies during the school year, but we usually take the summer off. Which makes perfect sense. It’s hard to schedule group sessions around vacations… [ read more ]
Jun. 7th, 2012
Pros and Cons of Attending the Same Writers Conference
Me and my dear friend Edie Melson at her book launch last fall! It’s the first Thursday of June so I’m over at Edie Melson’s place, The Write Conversation . I’m sharing my thoughts on the pros and cons of returning to a writers conference you’ve already attended. Come over and say Hi!
Jun. 4th, 2012
Blessed to Call Him Mine
Sometimes, when a follower of Christ answers the call to come out of the boat and walk a new path, the people they’ve been doing life with are more hindrance than help. Instead of cheering, they chide. Instead of rooting, they rebuke. Instead of praying, they pout. And far too often, the resistance comes from… [ read more ]
May. 24th, 2012
Web Wisdom
I’m still soaking up the writerly vibes of the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference . And oh ya’ll, it’s been awesome! But we’re still focused on motherhood this month, so I wanted to share a couple of my favorite places on the web. Places that help me be a better mom. These aren’t websites that will tell you how to make… [ read more ]
May. 21st, 2012
When Callings Collide
When this post goes live, I will be at Ridgecrest getting ready for the first full day of classes at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference . I’m both excited and terrified. Excited to hang out with writing friends from all over the country. Terrified because my husband and kids will be doing life without me this week. This is… [ read more ]
May. 17th, 2012
Book Review :: Give them Grace – Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson
Every now and then, the title of a book speaks to me. Give them Grace – Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus is just such a book. I mean, who wouldn’t want to do this, right? The back cover copy is equally compelling. “All of us want to raise good kids. And we want to be good parents. But what exactly do we mean by… [ read more ]
May. 14th, 2012
When You’re Tired of Cleaning Up the Mess
Motherhood has surprised me. I never imagined how much I would love to feel a tiny hand in mine, or how I would thrill when they want me—and only me. I never realized how each child would bring a whole array of new experiences—new favorites, new skills, new firsts. I never knew this level of… [ read more ]
May. 10th, 2012
One More Time
I usually only post once a month at The Write Conversation, but this month’s topic required a two-parter! So please join me, again, at The Write Conversation where we are talking about the “essential” items every writer should take with them when they head to a writers conference. (And yes, I do consider my pillow to be essential … ) Be… [ read more ]
May. 7th, 2012
Motherhood does not make me special
For the month of May, I’m going to be focusing on motherhood—the joys and challenges unique to this particular calling. But before I do, I want to make one thing clear. Motherhood does not make me special. I know. Mother’s Day is in six days. (For the men who read my blog—and I really appreciate that… [ read more ]
May. 3rd, 2012
Writers Conference Essentials
It’s the first Thursday of May so I’m over at The Write Conversation . I’m talking about the essential things you need to take to a writers conference. Essentials. Like chocolate. I’d love for you to stop by and say Hi!