Sep. 26th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Sweet Surrender
Image by TheCulinaryGeek via Flickr Most mornings I need a jolt (or two or three) of caffeine to keep me on my feet. So the other day, I fixed myself a cup of coffee, poured in a generous portion of french vanilla creamer and ran out the door. As I pulled out of my driveway, I… [ read more ]
Sep. 22nd, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: Grace for the Good Girl~letting go of the try-hard life by Emily P. Freeman
I would have made an awesome Pharisee. Except for the fact that I’m not Jewish. And I’m a girl. But still . . . I love rules. I love following the rules. I’m such a “good girl.” My list of “nevers” is long and impressive . . . if you care about that sort of… [ read more ]
Sep. 19th, 2011
My Hardwood Heart
I hate carpet for one reason. You can’t clean it. You can get most of the spots out. But they’ll come back. Because they weren’t ever really gone. And that’s why I love the hardwood floors in my new house. Love them. Herds of small children can run around carrying cups of purple grape juice… [ read more ]
Sep. 16th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: The Queen by Steven James
I had never heard of Steven James before attending the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in 2010. I actually ate breakfast with him on my first morning there and came away with two observations. First, that he was funny (which he proved repeatedly throughout the conference) and second, that he was a nice guy. One person who sat at our table didn’t… [ read more ]
Sep. 8th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Hit Send
When I left the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in May of 2010 I overflowed with writerly confidence. My manuscript had received a positive critique. The words “you’re almost ready” had been uttered. I left with marching orders . . . to submit fiction proposals to three agents and one editor. And I intended to. As soon as I incorporated… [ read more ]
Sep. 5th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Labor Days
Deuteronomy 33:25 ~ Your bars shall be iron and bronze, and as your days, so shall your strength be. (ESV) Right now, I don’t feel like my bars are iron or bronze. I feel like a half-way decent puff of wind could knock me over. There is nothing sturdy about me. I’m… [ read more ]
Sep. 1st, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Christian Writers Guild Courses
I will forever be thankful for the four months I spent taking Fiction that Sells through the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild . I’m talking about that today over at The Write Conversation . Please stop by and say hello!
Aug. 29th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Lonely
image courtesy of photobucket.com How do you feel about reruns? I like them. Sometimes I catch things I didn’t see the first time through. I hope you feel the same way because today’s blog is a rerun. This post originally appeared in June of 2010. ************** Do you ever think no one knows what your… [ read more ]
Aug. 25th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: I Used to Be So Organized by Glynnis Whitwer
I’m a pretty organized person. Or. Um. I used to be. Before. Before having a baby. And then another one. And another one. And then moving when the last one was three weeks old. (Sidebar: I do NOT recommend moving with a newborn. Avoid at all costs). I miss my old organized self. I miss… [ read more ]
Aug. 22nd, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Morning Glory
I miss sleep. Oh, how I miss it. I miss going to bed and having every expectation that I will not be disturbed until my alarm blares. Or the neighbor’s rooster gets cranked up. Whichever comes first. I miss waking up refreshed. These days, when I wake up—never of my own accord—every cell in my… [ read more ]