Aug. 18th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World
Prayer is not my specialty. I believe in it. I’m a big fan of it. At least, I think I am. The harsh reality is that while I have good intentions, my follow through leaves a little, something, a lot to be desired. I find myself wondering if it really makes any difference? If God… [ read more ]
Aug. 15th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ A Little Too Soon?
Image by ant.photos via FlickrAs I ran a few errands last week, a car pulled out in front of me. He could have waited, but it wasn’t close enough to warrant laying down on the horn, so I let it go. (As if I could do anything about it in the first place). But then things got… [ read more ]
Aug. 11th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver
I am a total Martha. Not Martha Stewart. Trust me. The decorating gene chuckled, laughed, snorted hysterically as it skipped by me. I’m talking about Martha. From the Bible. I am often “anxious and troubled about many things” and I am not above pointing out to God that “Hey, I’m busting my tail here and… [ read more ]
Aug. 8th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Future Fears
Image via Wikipedia Deuteronomy 31:8 ~ It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (ESV) Some people wish they could know the future. Not me. If I spent too much time thinking about my future, I’d lose… [ read more ]
Aug. 4th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ MoGo7000
image courtesy of photobucket.com I recently lost my fiction mojo. It wasn’t pretty. Read about how I got it back over at The Write Conversation .
Aug. 1st, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ Retail Therapy
Image via Wikipedia I love my children. I do. But some days, by the time Brian gets home, I need to get out. And by out, I mean out of the house, by myself. Brian learned this long ago, when Emma was still a baby. Sometimes the best thing he can say to me is “Go”.… [ read more ]
Jul. 28th, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: Under A Desert Sky
Some of the first “grown up” books I can remember reading were in the historical fiction genre. “Prairie romances” I think they’re called now. These days, I still love reading books set in a different time, where the plot and characterizations are influenced by the mores of the day and both time and place are… [ read more ]
Jul. 25th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ There’s a Psalm for That
You’ve seen the commercials. Need to find a restaurant that serves sushi at 3AM? There’s an app for that. Need to find a store that sells minnows and hair gel? There’s an app for that. Need to know where the cheapest gas, tastiest fajitas or creepiest movies are? There’s an app for that, too. With… [ read more ]
Jul. 21st, 2011
Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Book Review: Call of a Coward
I love to read fiction. I love to be transported to places I’ve never been and experience thrills that set my heart racing—as I sit snug on the sofa in my pajamas, sipping coffee and eating some form of chocolate. I also enjoy non-fiction. My spirit responds to challenging words that inspire me to experience… [ read more ]
Jul. 18th, 2011
Mindful Mondays ~ What’s Better than Coffee?
Image via Wikipedia Psalm 54:4 ~ Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life. (ESV) Until recently, I was a social coffee drinker. I love a good mocha with friends or a frappucino on a hot day. But all that changed a few months ago. Concurrent with the birth of my… [ read more ]