• Jul. 14th, 2011 Thoughtful Thursdays ~ Blog Tour: Social Media Marketing for Writers by Edie Melson

    I’m thrilled to kick off the blog tour for Social Media Marketing for Writers . Edie Melson is one of my favorite people. She has taken me under her wing and carved time out of her schedule to mentor me as I navigate the winding path to publication. Here are a few things you should know about Edie: 1. She is the [ read more ]

  • Jul. 11th, 2011 Mindful Mondays ~ Basement Blessings

    Matthew 6:8b-For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. (ESV) Summertime in South Carolina means afternoons so hot you start sweating before you get one flip-flop out the door. And this summer, it’s meant frequent thunderstorms so powerful they hurl hail and break branches all over the neighborhood. Summertime is supposed to [ read more ]

  • Jul. 7th, 2011 Book Review: Writing Fiction For All You’re Worth

    I read a lot of books on writing. I have to. I blog about them once a month, over at  The Write Conversation . And so far, I’ve learned something valuable from each book I’ve read. However, I can’t say they’ve all been page-turners. Useful? Absolutely. Pleasurable reading? Not always. Let’s face it. Some books on the craft of [ read more ]

  • Jun. 30th, 2011 You’re Telling me My Calling Didn’t Come with a Cleaning Service?

    So many things get in the way. I want to write. I need to clean. I want to edit. I need to cook. I want to study the craft. I need to fold the clothes. Sometimes all these distractions—these obligations—frustrate me because while I’m not sure how it’s all going to play out, I am [ read more ]

  • Jun. 21st, 2011 How do I find the time to write? I hide!

    I’m hiding from my children. I have a cup of coffee and a laptop. If I can just have thirty minutes to myself, no one gets hurt. Yeah. Right. The only way I get thirty minutes to myself is if I leave the house completely. Nothing is sacred. My kids follow me everywhere. Yes. I said everywhere. [ read more ]

  • Jun. 13th, 2011 Nooks and Kindles and E-readers – Oh my!

    Bibliophile – a person who collects or has a great love of books. If you’ve been following me for any length of time, then you know that I love to read. What you may not know is how much I love books. I love the weight of a book in my hand, the crisp feel [ read more ]

  • Jun. 3rd, 2011 Book Review: On Writing

    I don’t like horror. I don’t read it. I don’t watch it. I try very hard not to think about it. So it will come as no surprise that I have never read a Stephen King novel. What may come as a surprise, especially if you also avoid Stephen King’s novels—preferring to sleep without nightmares [ read more ]

  • May. 27th, 2011 Book Review: Too Close to Home

    It’s Friday morning and Memorial Day weekend is here. Do you have anything good to read? No? Well, you do now. For free! Too Close to Home is Book 1 in the Women of Justice series by Lynette Eason. As of this writing, it’s available as a FREE Nook download  or a FREE Kindle download . Don’t have a Nook or a Kindle? Just [ read more ]

  • May. 20th, 2011 Get Droopy

    I am an assassin. I don’t mean to be. It’s not like I set out to be a cold-hearted killer. But time and time again, it happens. I wonder if all the vibrant plants at the garden center try to shrivel up as I pass by. “Oh, no. It’s her.” The whispers travel from root [ read more ]

  • May. 12th, 2011 Blue Ridge from Home – Thursday

    Thursday. This is the day I had scheduled to submit something. After all, if I had gone to Blue Ridge, I would have gotten several things ready to pitch. I would have had some articles and devotions ready to go. But guess what? It’s not gonna happen. I’m planning to begin the rewrite on a [ read more ]