• May. 25th, 2010 Further Proof that I am Weird

    image courtesy of photobucket.com Are you laughing? Thinking – “yeah, like we needed more proof”? Well, it’s true. I am weird. I accept this about myself. But every now and then, something happens to confirm my weirdness. I understand some of it better than I did before. While at Blue Ridge, the amazing Vonda Skelton shared with [ read more ]

  • May. 21st, 2010 Blue Ridge Friday

    Don’t worry. I’m not confused. I know the conference ended Thursday. Technically. But I think it may take a few weeks to get back to normal. My husband and children were so glad to have me home. They had flowers and a plan for supper that did not include cooking! I so appreciate their – [ read more ]

  • May. 19th, 2010 Blue Ridge Wednesday

    What a day. Even as I type this, I’m not sure if I can adequately describe it. I’ve been a little frustrated with myself this week. I’m having a great time, meeting people, learning tons, networking, discovering that while I am every bit as weird as I had suspected, so are a lot of other [ read more ]

  • May. 19th, 2010 Blue Ridge Tuesday

    Random things I am loving about my conference experience. My room has no TV. So far I’ve eaten meals with Steven James , Angela Hunt , Deb Raney , Vonda Skelton , and  Karen Schurrer  (an editor). My room has a radio that came equipped to play music from my mp3 player. The coffee shop here serves Starbucks. The vending machine on my floor takes credit [ read more ]

  • May. 18th, 2010 Blue Ridge Monday

    Wow! I have had an awesome day. I managed to get appointments scheduled with all the agents here, so if nothing else, I’ll get lots of practice making my pitch. I’m taking a continuing class taught by Angela Hunt – which means I get to absorb about 6 hours of writing instruction from a master. [ read more ]

  • May. 17th, 2010 Blue Ridge Sunday

    So. I’m here. I met some lovely people in line during registration – several of whom I had already met online. It’s been fun to put faces to names. And I continue to be humbled and amazed at God’s goodness. He has placed people in my life that have helped me prepare for this week and [ read more ]

  • May. 12th, 2010 Preparations

    What a week! I’m doing laundry, buying groceries for two weeks, trying to think of every possible scenario that might present itself while I’m away and prepare for it in advance, doing laundry – oh, I already said that. Well, there’s enough laundry to deserve a double mention. On the writing front, I’m almost ready. I’m [ read more ]

  • May. 9th, 2010 Juggling Act

    I can play the piano. I can knit. I can’t juggle. But that doesn’t stop me from trying. Me and every other mom I know. There’s the house that needs to be cleaned. At least occasionally. There’s the laundry that has to be done. At least washed and dried. Folding is optional. There’s the cooking that [ read more ]

  • May. 2nd, 2010 Two Weeks

    So, the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference (talk about a mouthful) is two weeks away. Two. Insert Darth Vader theme music here. Extra points if you add in the heavy, ominous breathing for the full effect. Are you getting the idea that I’m starting to panic? You would be correct! So, in order to distract myself from the things I should be doing – like polishing [ read more ]

  • May. 1st, 2010 Fake?

    I am so fake. From head to toe. Don’t believe me? I have NO idea what my natural hair color is. Haven’t seen it in years. Don’t want to. My guess is that it is some sort of flat brown with a lot of gray. I have a wonderful stylist who colors my hair every ten weeks. [ read more ]