Jan. 11th, 2010
At Loose Ends . . .
I don’t know what to do with myself. I feel lost. Unsettled. Deeply unsatisfied. I have nothing to do. Don’t misunderstand. I have plenty to do. The ever-present laundry. The dust bunnies throwing a fiesta on every flat surface. The bathrooms – ugh, the bathrooms. Plenty to do. But no deadline. If the dust bunnies… [ read more ]
Dec. 30th, 2009
So Thankful
As 2009 draws to a close, I’ve been thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for . . . For my Heavenly Father – I’m so thankful that even when I am faithless, He remains faithful. That He is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in Spirit. That His grace… [ read more ]
Dec. 24th, 2009
Mama . . . Mama . . . Mama . . .
Right now, my 15 month old son’s favorite word is “mama”. This thrills me in a way I find difficult to describe. My daughter was born with a rare genetic syndrome and speech has been an elusive and hard-fought skill. I didn’t hear “mama” from her until she was 3. While other mothers bemoan the… [ read more ]
Oct. 30th, 2009
Learning to Write
Am I a writer? I’m not sure! I’ve written a book. I think most people would consider this simple fact adequate justification for calling myself a writer. Except for the teensy little fact that most people (fewer than 10 at last count) have no idea I’ve written a book. And, I’m 35 and just now… [ read more ]