Sep. 27th, 2016
Jesus and the Beanstalk by Lori Roeleveld
I’ve been hearing about this book for a while now. Heard it wasn’t like anything else out there. Heard it wasn’t going to be “for everybody.” Once I finally got my hands on it, I understood. It is NOT like any thing I’ve ever read. It’s part Christian living, but not like what you think of when… [ read more ]
Sep. 15th, 2016
God Calls Everyone to Care, But . . .
The image flooded social media and I couldn’t look away . A little boy covered in dust, dazed, alone, having been pulled from the rubble of a building. A little boy who could have been my Drew. Same size. Same age. What if that had been Drew? What if that was our life? My questions bubbled into lament. Why, God? How can You stand… [ read more ]
Sep. 8th, 2016
Turns Out I’m Just Like Gideon
I don’t like talking about this. It feels like bragging. I’d much rather let someone else share the good news while I nod, smile, say thank you, and we all move on. How do you tell people you won an award (or, um, two) without it sounding cocky or prideful? I don’t know. Covert Justice… [ read more ]
Aug. 31st, 2016
What I Learned in August
It’s that time again. August was a wild ride and the stuff I learned this month? Pretty random. Here goes. 1. The Olympics are my favorite. Oh my word. I get lost in the backstories of the athletes, the drama of the competition, the rivalries. Love me some rivalries. You have medals? I want you… [ read more ]
Jul. 29th, 2016
What I Learned in July
How is it possibly already the end of July? How? Anyway – it’s been a C-R-A-Z-Y month, but here are a few things I learned in July. Dollywood has an amazing guest assistance program. If you travel with a child with any sort of disability, you know how difficult it can be to face long lines,… [ read more ]
Jul. 15th, 2016
ACFW Pre-Conference Mix and Mingle
In late August, I’m headed to my very first ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference . I am so excited! Laurie Tomlinson is hosting a super fun “mix and mingle” link up on her website for conference attendees to get to know each other prior to the big event. The rules are simple…you answer the questions she has listed and then link your… [ read more ]
Jul. 14th, 2016
My Rules for the Rest of my Summer Vacation
As a kid the main advantage I could see to summer vacation was the virtually unlimited reading time it provided. But by July, I was ready for routines, new textbooks, and bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils. Fast forward a few years, and I’m still not the biggest fan of summer vacation. I appreciate the break… [ read more ]
Jul. 7th, 2016
When You Want to be Somewhere Else with your Writing
Not my son, but an accurate representation of his gloominess! I felt so sorry for him. My youngest son was surveying the scene on his first morning of day camp—and he was not impressed. Kids were running around playing with hula hoops, bouncy balls, Legos, Crayons, and board games. It was a kids’ paradise in… [ read more ]
Jun. 30th, 2016
What I Learned in June
I really enjoy taking a few minutes to think back over my month and share a few of the things I’ve learned. (This idea is from both Emily P. Freeman and Modern Mrs. Darcy ). Here goes: 1. I am incapable of being calm when surprised with good news. (Or . . . I *will* make a goober out of myself… [ read more ]
Jun. 24th, 2016
Interview on Blog Talk Radio with Christian Communicators Live!
I hope you are all enjoying your summer! I am up to my eye balls in summer camps and a new romantic suspense story. To be honest, it’s been a challenging writing week. I had hit a wall – hard – when a friend of mine shot me an encouraging word about an interview I… [ read more ]