Scratch-n-Sniff Bible
I’ve always wondered what it would be like if my Bible came with a scratch-n-sniff option. Imagine what the Garden of Eden smelled like. The fragrance of fruit trees and grasses and roses without thorns. The aroma of a world brand new. Fresh and clean. But it didn’t stay that way. Decay and death soon… [ read more ]
Let Down
Ever had someone let you down? It happened to me recently. At first, I was surprised. I have a fairly optimistic outlook and I tend to expect the best of people, so when they reveal a different side of themselves, it often catches me off guard. The surprise was followed up with dismay and a… [ read more ]
Web Wisdom
I’m still soaking up the writerly vibes of the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference . And oh ya’ll, it’s been awesome! But we’re still focused on motherhood this month, so I wanted to share a couple of my favorite places on the web. Places that help me be a better mom. These aren’t websites that will tell you how to make… [ read more ]