Sep. 5th, 2013 Write Every Day
So how much writing did you
get done this summer?
Every time someone asks me this, I
have to fight an intense desire to slink away in shame. Instead, I mumble
something about being busy with the kids and vacation because I hate to tell
them the truth.
How much did I write this summer?
Not much.
Now I know some of you are going to
try to tell me that it’s okay. I have young children. I’m not
going to get much writing done during the summer. 
But the truth is, I wasn’t
getting much writing done before summer started.

I’ve been stuck for a while.
So when a Writer’s
Digest email popped up in my inbox with the words WRITE
EVERY DAY How to write faster and more
in the title, it took my fingers
less than a minute (thanks to the wonders of one-click ordering) to download
that title to my Kindle app.
At $2.99, I figured I didn’t
have much to lose. Even if I got one decent tip, it would be worth it.

It was.
I’m guest blogging today over at The Write Conversation. Come on over to read the rest of my review.

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